“Chronically Me: Psychosocial Realities of Chronic Illness,” monthly column for Psychology Today magazine. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/chronically-me
“Love, Relationships, and Arthritis,” Arthritis Foundation podcast guest, February 2025 https://www.arthritis.org/liveyes/podcast/episodes/love-relationships-arthritis
“Family Resilience,” Sirius-XM Doctor Radio guest, October 2024.
“Care Partners: Supporting someone with chronic illness,” Vestibular Disorders Association podcast guest, July 2024.
“Diagnosis and Trauma,” MS Boost podcast guest, April 2024. https://www.msplus.org.au/resources/ms-diagnosis-and-trauma
“Feeling Sick, Faking Well,” MS Boost podcast guest, April 2024. https://www.msplus.org.au/resources/feeling-sick-faking-well
“Chronic Illness and Relationships,” presenter at Lung Transplant Foundation, February 2023.
“Mental Health and Autoimmune Disease,” panelist at Autoimmune Association’s Autoimmune Community Summit, October 2022.
“Raising Resilience: Parenting a Child with Diabetes,” panelist at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, April 2022.
“Coronavirus and Chronic Illness,” podcast guest on Spoonie Village, April 2020. https://www.spoonievillage.com/podcast/episode/8c4c5ef2/coping-during-coronavirus-ft-psychotherapist-katie
“Relationships and Chronic Illness,” podcast for the Arthritis Foundation, February 2020. https://liveyeswitharthritis.fireside.fm/5
“Trauma and Chronic Illness”: Facebook Live lecture for Cystic Fibrosis Community, November 2019.
“Mental Health and IBD”: presented at Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation Patient Education Event, October 2019
“Working Therapeutically with Parents of Chronically Ill Children”: presented to St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute’s Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Study Group, December 2018
“Coping with Stress: An Interactive Presentation for Pediatric Patients”: presented at Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation Patient Education Event, October 2018
“Taking off the Mask: Relationship Challenges and IBD”: presented at Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation Patient Education Event, October 2018
“Genevieve Asse: Transcendence and the Feminine”: presented to St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute’s Art and Psychoanalysis Study Group, May 2018
“Optimizing Mental Health While Living with Chronic Illness”: presented at Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation Patient Education Event, November 2017
“Treating Psychosocial Aspects of Chronic Illness in College Students”: presented to Student Mental Health Services at Washington University in St. Louis, June 2017
“Treating Chronic Illness with Psychotherapy: A Guide for Clinicians and Patients,” course created and taught at St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute, November 2019
“Healthy Adolescent Sexuality: Why Gender Matters,” course created and taught at St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute, February 2019
Professional Affiliations
American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work (AAPCSW)
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
St. Louis Psychoanalytic Society