“If we’re not supposed to dance,/Why all this music?” ~Greg Orr
Katie Willard Virant Psychotherapy
Compassionate and creative psychotherapy
“If we’re not supposed to dance,/Why all this music?” ~Greg Orr
“Maybe it was the willingness to play that hinted at a tender, eternally newborn part in all humans. Maybe it was the willingness to play that kept one from despair.” ~ Gabrielle Zevin
“We do know that no one gets wise enough to really understand the heart of another, though it is the task of our life to try.” ~Louise Erdrich
“Salvation lies with/others,/though solitude may/taste like/opium. Other people/aren’t hell/if you glimpse them at/dawn, when/their brows are clean,/rinsed by dreams.” ~Adam Zagajewski
“We can practice being gentle with each other by being gentle with that piece of ourselves that is hardest to hold.” ~Audre Lorde
“Hope is the capacity and willingness for creative engagement with the world.” ~ Christian Sell.
“I do not think that I will ever reach a stage when I will say, ‘This is what I believe. Finished.’ What I believe is alive . . . and open to growth.” ~Madeleine L’Engle
“We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
“But the beauty is in the walking – we are betrayed by destinations.” ~Gwyn Thomas