“Love opens the doors into everything, including and perhaps most of all, the door into one’s own secret, and often terrible and frightening, real self.” ~May Sarton
Katie Willard Virant Psychotherapy
Compassionate and creative psychotherapy
“Love opens the doors into everything, including and perhaps most of all, the door into one’s own secret, and often terrible and frightening, real self.” ~May Sarton
“There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you.” ~Maya Angelou
~Nikita Gill
“Tell me what you fear and I will tell you what has happened to you.”
~D. W. Winnicott
“An awake heart is like a sky that pours light.” ~Hafiz
“[H]ow rarely it occurs to people to change the rules.” ~ Allan G. Johnson
“He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how.” ~Friedrich Nietzsche
“The river stones are listening/because we have something to say.”
~Yusef Komunyakaa