“Hope is not optimism, which expects things to turn out well, but something rooted in the conviction that there is good worth working for.” ~Seamus Heaney
Katie Willard Virant Psychotherapy
Compassionate and creative psychotherapy
“Hope is not optimism, which expects things to turn out well, but something rooted in the conviction that there is good worth working for.” ~Seamus Heaney
“We cannot live a full and meaningful life if we are not in touch with what we feel or what we want.” ~Paul Wachtel
“If I was going to live – if I was going to stay alive another day – I realized I had to let the world in. I had to be part of something real, and to do that I had to let people see me as I was.” ~Paul Murray
“[E]verybody is dealing with how much of their own aliveness they can bear and how much they need to anesthetize themselves.” ~ Adam Phillips
“[L]ooking led to noticing led to appreciating.” ~Gretchen Rubin
“Dances come from dancing. I don’t make a dance. I dance and then something starts to make sense.” ~Twyla Tharp
“The right to have rights, or the right of every individual to belong to humanity, should be guaranteed by humanity itself.” ~Hannah Arendt
*Photo credit: Elizabeth Flaherty
“Stories are real. And stories can change. If your story isn’t working for you, you can find a better one to take its place.” ~ Seth Godin
“Grief is not a problem to be solved; it’s an experience to be carried.” ~Megan Devine
“There are days we live/as if death were nowhere/in the background; from joy/to joy to joy, from wing to wing,/from blossom to blossom to/impossible blossom, to sweet impossible blossom.” ~Li-Young Lee